
Jereh Signed another LNG Plant Order for Chinese Shale Gas Commercialization

[08-08-2014] Click:

On August 1st, another shale gas LNG plant agreement between Jereh and Sichuan Sentai Energy Investment Corp. was done with the production capacity of 10.59 MMSCFD, after the first one of 2.47MMSCFD started construction on July, 31th. According to the agreement, Jereh provides integrated shale gas liquefaction solutions from designing, procurement to construction.


Chinese shale may hold 36.1 trillion cubic meters of technically recoverable gas, or 12 times the country's conventional gas deposits, data from the US Energy Information Administration showed. And China plans to produce 6.5 billion cubic meter of shale gas by 2015, according to the industry's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15), the official blueprint. So Jereh is optimistic for more shale gas commercialization. This July 9th, Jereh and Sentai Energy reached a strategic cooperation agreement to promote close collaboration in natural gas industry. It is expected that there will be more private enterprise participations being a huge driving force for Chinese large-scale shale gas commercialization.


LNG production contract with Sichuan Sentai Energy Investment Corp

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